
sarif-rs is group of Rust projects (CLI and libraries) for interacting with the SARIF format.


Parse cargo clippy output, convert to SARIF (clippy-sarif), then pretty print the SARIF to terminal (sarif-fmt).

$ cargo clippy --message-format=json | clippy-sarif | sarif-fmt
$ warning: using `Option.and_then(|x| Some(y))`, which is more succinctly expressed as `map(|x| y)`
    ┌─ sarif-fmt/src/
423 │ ╭             the_rule
424 │ │               .full_description
425 │ │               .as_ref()
426 │ │               .and_then(|mfms| Some(mfms.text.clone()))
    │ ╰───────────────────────────────────────────────────────^
    = `#[warn(clippy::bind_instead_of_map)]` on by default
      for further information visit

Parse clang-tidy output, convert to SARIF (clang-tidy-sarif), then print the SARIF results to terminal in plain text format (sarif-fmt -f plain)

$ clang-tidy -checks=cert-* cpp.cpp -- | clang-tidy-sarif | clang-tidy.sarif | sarif-fmt -f plain
2 warnings generated.
warning [cpp.cpp:4:10] 'atoi' used to convert a string to an integer value, but function will not report conversion errors; consider using 'strtol' instead [cert-err34-c]
warning [cpp.cpp:8:3] calling 'system' uses a command processor [cert-env33-c]

alt text


Each CLI may be installed via cargo or directly downloaded from the corresponding Github release.


cargo install <cli_name> # ex. cargo install sarif-fmt

Github Releases

The latest version is continuously published and tagged.

Using curl,

curl -sSL # make sure to adjust the target triplet (latest-<target_triplet>) to the correct target

Provided Tools

Below is a list of libraries and tools which are part of the sarif-rs project:

  • clang-tidy-sarif: CLI tool to convert clang-tidy diagnostics into SARIF.
  • clippy-sarif: CLI tool to convert clippy diagnostics into SARIF.
  • hadolint-sarif: CLI tool to convert hadolint diagnostics into SARIF.
  • shellcheck-sarif: CLI tool to convert shellcheck diagnostics into SARIF.
  • sarif-fmt: CLI tool to pretty print SARIF diagnostics.
  • serde-sarif: Typesafe SARIF structures for serializing and deserializing SARIF information using serde.

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