
Thread pools using native threads for node.js

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Minimal Dependencies

Uses node's new worker thread API with lightweight wrappers to minimize package size.

Simple API

Supports async/await. Submit a function to a thread pool to run it and wait for the returned Promise to resolve.

Shared Memory

Worker threads can share memory via shared array buffers and synchronize with the Atomic API

Quick Start


With npm,

npm i node-threadpool # OR yarn add node-threadpool


import { Executors } from "node-threadpool";

// creates a thread pool with 4 threads
const pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(4);

// these execute in parallel (as long as the pool size >= 2)
const result1 = pool.submit(async () => "done 1");
const result2 = pool.submit(async () => "done 2");

console.log(await result1); // joins and prints "done1"
console.log(await result2); // joins and prints "done2"


Requires node 10.5+. You must run node with the --experimental-worker flag enabled.

Enable Experimental Workers

NODE_OPTIONS=--experimental-worker ./server.js


node --experimental-worker ./server.js